HIV & Hepatitis B

What if I was declined for Life Insurance cover years ago because of HIV & Hepatitis B?

“Things Have Changed – Part Seven” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

Over the last two decades the group of people that have been declined for Life Insurance, more than any group of people – have been those living with both HIV and Hepatitis. When HIV Life Insurance came to market in 2009, this was one group that continued to be specifically excluded by the Insurance Industry.

Even to this day I still have no reasonable explanation as to why this is the case – fast forward to September 2022 and I’m able announce that things have changed. Most of my time in lockdown throughout the pandemic, I spent talking to Life Insurers and Re-Insurers in an effort to find an answer to this problem.

We are are now getting Life Insurance terms for people living with HIV and Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, along with a host of other medical conditions. This is great news because even if people have been declined for cover in the past, we can now get Life Insurance terms to protect their mortgages and families.

You can find the full article “HIV & Hepatitis B” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 


HIV & Type 2 Diabetes

Things Have Changed – Part Six” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

What if I was declined for Life Insurance cover years ago because of HIV & Diabetese?

Over the last thirteen years, since the launch of Life Insurance for people with HIV (2009) its been impossible to arrange Life Insurance for people with other medical conditions alongside. Over the last two years I invested a lot of time talking to Insurance providers and Re-Insurers about “Co-Risk”.

This is where someone living with HIV also has or has had another significant medical condition. Until recently it has been impossible to get Life Insurance for people also living with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, STI’s, Syphilis, Anemia and Diabetese.

All of these groups of people have been denied Life Insurance over the last 20 years, but things have changed recently. We are very pleased to announce that we are now getting life insurance terms for these groups of people and if you have been declined for cover in the past you should contact us.

You can find the full article “HIV & Type 2 Diabetic” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 

Press Release: ‘HIV Life Assurance Survey 2022 – Increased Cover For Existing Policy Holders Through Unusual Risks’ …

Our Sponsors Unusual Risks, financial advisers to the HIV Community are today announcing part two of the results of their HIV Life Insurance Survey. During the last two years they increased the sums assured of existing clients by 112%, where they preferred to increase their cover instead of taking a 40% premium reduction.

The new products are only available through a broker such as Unusual Risks and are not available through Banks and Mainstream Insurers. When price checked against the major banks and insurers, the majority of them are charging double or triple those premiums being charged within the new products available through Unusual Risks.

Speaking about their survey, Chris Morgan, Lead Financial Adviser of Unusual Risks Said;

The new generation of products mean that anyone that is living with HIV who took their policy before March 2018 should review their current arrangements, especially if there existing cover is with Zurich, Vitality, Liverpool Victoria, Legal & General, Exeter Friendly or Aviva. Those policy holders are likely to be overpaying and should seek advice on the current market rates”.

Chris Continued ..

“Each year Unusual Risks track the average sum assured of HIV life Insurance and they have seen an increase in the amounts of cover being taken by people living with HIV. The average annual figure is currently £227,223, which is double historic figures around from 10 years ago – this in mainly due to the improved pricing of products available”.

Chris Morgan and Unusual Risks have campaigned on behalf of the HIV Community for over two decades, firstly for the introduction of HIV Life Assurance, followed by the lengthening of policy terms and then most recently the reduction of monthly premiums. They are still currently able to place Life Insurance for people living with HIV at competitive premiums.

Unusual Risks are very proud to have played the lead role in improving the accessibility of financial products for people with HIV over the last decade and will continue to work on behalf of the community to secure better products. They are now able to guarantee all people living with HIV between the ages of 18 and 64 access to some form of Life Insurance.

Unusual Risks our sponsors are the UK’s leading financial advisers offering advice to clients living with HIV or Hepatitis on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, HIV Mortgages, Hepatitis C Life Assurance, Hepatitis C Life Insurance, Hepatitis C Mortgages.

They are also the UK’s leading experts at planning Life Assurance and Mortgages for HIV Positive Families and are able to assist HIV Positive people looking for advice on their Pensions and Investments. *Please note Income Protection and Critical Illness is not currently available to people living with HIV.

For more information about these services please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email or visit us online at


HIV & Hepatitis

Things Have Changed – Part Five” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

What if I was declined for Life Insurance cover years ago because of HIV & Hepatitis?

As a result of our “Things Have Changed” campaign we are getting more and more people coming back to us who were declined for Life Insurance over the last 13 years. Mostly people who are living with HIV and had also been diagnosed either Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.

This Co-Risk area is something I have worked at very hard to resolve with insurers over the last two years. My initial focus was to encourage them to cover people with HIV and Hepatitis – but lots of good changes have come from this also with other medical conditions.

I’m pleased to say we are now finding Life Insurance for many people who were declined over the last 13 years, if this was you – then don’t hold back, things have changed – call us to see what is now possible for people with HIV and other medical conditions.

You can find the full article “HIV & Hepatitis” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 

HIV LIFE INSURANCE & HIV LIFE ASSURANCE – Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Anaemia and other medical conditions.

HIV & Medical Conditions

“Things Have Changed – Part Four” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

Where Can I find the best Life Insurance Cover if I’m Living With HIV?

One of the key parts of my job is to research and appraise the market on a regular basis and for the last 13 years, since life insurance products were introduced for people living with HIV, I’ve been working to get the very best premiums and terms for my clients – consulting daily with insurers and helping them to improve their products.

I’m aware that there is currently an 86% chance of someone living with HIV meeting a product provider that is not currently offering the fairest terms for their situation. Since the pandemic many of the major Life Insurance companies and High Street Banks are charging between double and three times the fairest Life Insurance premiums for people living with HIV since the pandemic.

Unusual Risks are always aware of where the best premiums and terms that are currently being offered and have products providers that are not available to you directly or through banks. Unusual Risks are also specialists at successfully finding Life Insurance cover for people who have been declined elsewhere.

You can find the full article “HIV & Medical Conditions” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 


HIV & Hepatitis

“Things Have Changed – Part Three” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

What can I do if I’m Living With HIV and have been declined for Life Insurance before?

Throughout my career I have met literally hundreds of people living with HIV, who have been declined for Life Insurance by either their High Street Bank or a Life Insurance Company. Currently we are aware that a minimum of 56% of applications are being declined, many without any reasonable explanations given to applicants.

We actually believe that the overall figure is more likely to be 70% at this moment in time, which means I’m meeting many people who have been affected by decisions like these every week. The most important part of my job is to relieve any stress and anxiety this may have caused for my client and then represent them in successfully finding Life Insurance cover.

Unusual Risks have been working extremely hard following the pandemic to create new opportunities for all people living with HIV, who may have been declined for cover in the past. We have a very high success rate of finding cover for people who have been declined for cover elsewhere.

You can find the full article “HIV & Hepatitis” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 

HIV LIFE INSURANCE & HIV LIFE ASSURANCE – Syphilis & STI’s & Other Medical Conditions

HIV & Syphilis

“Things Have Changed – Part Two” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

How can people living with HIV find the fairest premiums and terms for their Life Insurance?

During the last 13 years there have been many changes to the pricing and terms offered to people living with HIV for their Life Insurance. The onset of the COVID Pandemic in 2020, meant there were even more serious changes to the premiums being charged and the quality of the terms being offered by insurers.

We are aware that only 22% of Life Insurance Companies are currently offering Life Insurance products to people with HIV on the very fairest terms. Also only 16% of Banks are currently offering the fairest terms to people living with HIV. This means that there is up to an 88% chance of a consumer not receiving the fairest terms for HIV Life Insurance.

Many of the companies involved are charging between double and three times the fairest premiums for exactly the same product. Unusual Risks are working extremely hard to make sure that all those living with HIV receive the fairest premiums and terms for their Life Insurance.

You can find the full article “HIV & Syphilis” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 


HIV & Hepatitis

“Things Have Changed – Part One” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

How many people living with HIV are being declined for Life Insurance currently?

Over the past 13 years I’ve met hundreds of people living with HIV who have been turned down for Life Insurance by the UK Financial Services Industry. The onset of the the Covid pandemic in 2020, meant that there was also a large increase in the number of people that have been turned down for Life Insurance.

We know that 56% of people living with HIV are currently being turned down for Life Insurance, the estimated figure is more likely to be nearer 70%. Many are deemed uninsurable when they apply with their banks or financial advisers – this is mostly without any reasonable explanation and is stressful for the applicants involved.

Unusual Risks have been working hard to reduce these numbers, via direct consultation with the Life Insurance companies that we deal with. We currently have a very high success rate of finding cover for people who have been declined for Life Insurance elsewhere.

You can find the full article “HIV & Hepatitis B” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 

Press Release: “HIV Life Insurance Survey 2022 – Premium Reductions For Existing Policy Holders Through Unusual Risks”

News From Our Friends at Unusual Risks …

Our sponsors Unusual Risks, financial advisers to the HIV Community have recently announcing part one of the results of their HIV Life Insurance Survey. During the last two years they have saved existing HIV Life Insurance policy holders an average of 40% on their premiums. This is a major breakthrough in regards to the pricing of Life Insurance products available for people living with HIV.

The new products are only available through a broker such as Unusual Risks and are not available through Banks and Mainstream Insurers. When price checked against the major banks and insurers, the majority of them are charging double or triple those premiums being charged within the new products available through Unusual Risks.

Speaking about their survey, Chris Morgan, Lead Financial Adviser of Unusual Risks said;

The new generation of products mean that anyone who took their policy before March 2018 should review their current arrangements, especially if there existing cover is with Zurich, Vitality, Liverpool Victoria, Legal & General, Exeter Friendly or Aviva. Those policy holders are likely to be overpaying and should seek advice on the current market rates”.

Chris Continued ..

“We are also aware that 75% of Banks and Life Insurers are either currently charging up to three times the very best premiums available or declining HIV Positive people for Life Insurance entirely. We know that Banks and Life Insurers have been declining up to 56% of HIV Positive people in the last two years, without any reasonable explanations”.

Chris Morgan and Unusual Risks have campaigned on behalf of the HIV Community for over two decades, firstly for the introduction of HIV Life Assurance, followed by the lengthening of policy terms and then most recently the reduction of monthly premiums. They are still currently able to arrange Life Insurance for people living with HIV at competitive premiums.

Unusual Risks are very proud to have played the lead role in improving the accessibility of financial products for people with HIV over the last decade and will continue to work on behalf of the community to secure better products. They are now able to guarantee all people living with HIV between the ages of 18 and 64, access to some form of Life Insurance.

Our Sponsors Unusual Risks are the UK’s leading financial advisers offering advice to clients living with HIV or Hepatitis on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, HIV Mortgages, Hepatitis C Life Assurance, Hepatitis C Life Insurance, Hepatitis C Mortgages.

They are also the UK’s leading experts at planning Life Assurance and Mortgages for HIV Positive Families and are able to assist HIV Positive people looking for advice on their Pensions and Investments. *Please note Income Protection and Critical Illness is not currently available to people living with HIV.

For more information about these services please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email or visit us online at

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance – Product Provider Survey … June 2020

News from our friends at Unusual Risks …

Over the last 10 weeks it has become apparent that many Life Insurance Companies are restricting the availability of Life Insurance to people living with HIV. This means that many people are being declined for insurance cover through “Mainstream” brokers, life insurers, banks and building societies, who are perfectly eligible for Life Insurance.

Key Statistics From Unusual Risks Research – June 2020

  • “Only 13% of High Street Life Insurers, Banks and Building Societies are currently offering Life Insurance or Life Assurance to People With HIV”.
  • “0% of High Street Banks and Building Societies are currently offering any Life Insurance to People with HIV. 18 of the 18 High Street Banks surveyed do not offer cover to people with HIV”
  • “0% of High Street Street Life Insurers, Banks and Building Societies currently offer Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover to people living with HIV”

Those living with HIV who are seeking Life Insurance are advised to seek specialist financial advice before committing to taking cover.

During the last ten weeks since commencement of Lockdown we have proudly been able to assist many Key Workers, NHS Staff, Doctors and Nurses to review their Protection arrangements. We have been working hard to secure Life Insurance products for people living with HIV with both insurers and re-insurers.

We intend to review the latest research statistics periodically and will keep everyone informed of any developments.

Full Press Release – June 2020

Unusual Risks, financial advisers to the HIV Community are today announcing the results of their HIV Life Insurance Survey. After contacting all major Life Assurance providers and Banks and Building Societies in the UK, they can now report a significant reduction in availability as only 13%* of financial institutions are currently offering some form of HIV Life Assurance.

This is a significant reduction from the 70%* recorded in last year’s survey and 90%* that they noted earlier this year. This is the eleventh year that Unusual Risks have surveyed the availability of HIV Life Assurance products in the UK, with the first ever survey in 2009 indicating less than 50%* of insurance providers were offering any form of HIV Life Assurance. 

The sudden reduction in the availability of HIV Life Insurance is due to the present economic impact caused by Coronavirus and COVID-19. Those living with HIV seeking Life Insurance are advised to seek specialist financial advice before committing to taking cover, as there are currently rapid changes to the product criteria and premium rates on a daily basis.

Speaking about their survey, Chris Morgan, Lead Financial Adviser of Unusual Risks said;

‘We recently surveyed the top twelve life assurance groups and were disappointed to see that only 33%* of companies are now offering some form of Life Assurance to HIV Positive people. This is certainly a backward step that takes us back to the earliest days of the launch of HIV Life Assurance products in 2009’.

‘Within the survey we also assessed the number of high street banks and building societies currently offering Life Insurance to People Living With HIV. Currently 0%* of Banks and Building Societies offer any Life Insurance to People with HIV. Overall only 13%* of Life Insurance Companies and Banks and Building Societies currently have Life Insurance products available to people with HIV.’

Chris Morgan and Unusual Risks have campaigned on behalf of the HIV Community for the last two decades, firstly for the introduction of HIV Life Assurance, followed by the lengthening of policy terms and then most recently the reduction of monthly premiums. They are still currently able to place Life Insurance for people living with HIV at competitive premiums.

Although Life Insurance has been available for over a decade for People living with HIV, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover is still unavailable. Unusual Risks are very proud to have played the lead role in improving the accessibility of financial products for people with HIV over the last decade and will continue to work on behalf of the community to secure better products.

Our Sponsors Unusual Risks are the UK’s leading financial advisers offering advice to clients living with HIV or Hepatitis on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, HIV Mortgages, Hepatitis C Life Assurance, Hepatitis C Life Insurance, Hepatitis C Mortgages.

They are also the UK’s leading experts at planning Life Assurance and Mortgages for HIV Positive Families and are able to assist HIV Positive people looking for advice on their Pensions and Investments. *Please note Income Protection and Critical Illness is not currently available to people living with HIV.

For more information about these services please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email or visit us online at