HIV & Type 2 Diabetes

Things Have Changed – Part Six” … Commentary by Chris Morgan

What if I was declined for Life Insurance cover years ago because of HIV & Diabetese?

Over the last thirteen years, since the launch of Life Insurance for people with HIV (2009) its been impossible to arrange Life Insurance for people with other medical conditions alongside. Over the last two years I invested a lot of time talking to Insurance providers and Re-Insurers about “Co-Risk”.

This is where someone living with HIV also has or has had another significant medical condition. Until recently it has been impossible to get Life Insurance for people also living with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, STI’s, Syphilis, Anemia and Diabetese.

All of these groups of people have been denied Life Insurance over the last 20 years, but things have changed recently. We are very pleased to announce that we are now getting life insurance terms for these groups of people and if you have been declined for cover in the past you should contact us.

You can find the full article “HIV & Type 2 Diabetic” by clicking here

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Web: 

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