HIV & Hepatitis
“Things Have Changed – Part Five” … Commentary by Chris Morgan
What if I was declined for Life Insurance cover years ago because of HIV & Hepatitis?
As a result of our “Things Have Changed” campaign we are getting more and more people coming back to us who were declined for Life Insurance over the last 13 years. Mostly people who are living with HIV and had also been diagnosed either Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
This Co-Risk area is something I have worked at very hard to resolve with insurers over the last two years. My initial focus was to encourage them to cover people with HIV and Hepatitis – but lots of good changes have come from this also with other medical conditions.
I’m pleased to say we are now finding Life Insurance for many people who were declined over the last 13 years, if this was you – then don’t hold back, things have changed – call us to see what is now possible for people with HIV and other medical conditions.
You can find the full article “HIV & Hepatitis” by clicking here
Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 20 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazine and Pink Paper.
For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email: Web: