Positive Finance – HIV Finance News 4 – HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection, HIV Critical Illness Cover …

Positive Finance, The UK’s online HIV Finance Magazine have recently been looking at the availability of life insurance for HIV Positive people and discovered this article at the Unusual Risks Blog.

Recent news from Unusual Risks “Average Sum Assured of HIV Life Insurance Increases”…

Unusual Risks, the Specialist Life Insurance Advisers to the HIV Community, are today announcing the results of their latest survey. Currently the Average Sum Assured is £257,963, which shows that people with HIV are protecting their families, mortgages, properties and businesses for amounts greater than before”.

You can read the full article about HIV Life Insurance here https://unusual-risks.co.uk/?p=1716

Positive Finance Magazine will be regularly running features on the new Life Insurance, Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover products for people living with HIV – guiding you to the very best specialist advice on these matters.

You can find more articles on HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover at Unusual Risks Blog here https://unusual-risks.co.uk/

Positive Finance Magazine, UK’s HIV Finance Magazine was first published in 1999 and first started publishing articles in the HIV press in 2000. Our editor Chris Morgan has written for many publications including AXM Magazine, Positive Nation, Baseline Magazine, Attitude, Pink Paper & Gay Times.

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