Our friends at Unusual Risks, the medical financial advisers have today published the results of their annual research into the average amounts of Life Assurance that HIV Positive men and women are insuring themselves for. Currently HIV Positive people who are taking out Life Assurance in the UK are insuring themselves for an average of £134,733.
This latest survey was conducted as a follow up to a similar survey that was released last year where the average figure was £137,192. It appears that the average figure for HIV Life Assurance has now finally stabilised following the introduction of higher policy underwriting limits by Insurance Companies over the last few years.
Chris Morgan, Lead Financial Adviser of Unusual Risks, Mortgage & Insurance Services said,
‘Last year there was a sharp increase in the sum assured of the average HIV Life Assurance in the UK, because a number of insurance companies removed their £250,000 maximum cover limit for applicants. This year’s figure shows that the market has now stabilised following these changes by the major insurers.
‘There are now many more opportunities for HIV positive people to obtain Life Insurance, with companies now offering significantly higher amounts of Insurance. Life Insurance has been available to HIV positive people since 2009, however in our recent survey 33% of Positive people were still unaware that cover was even available to them.’
Chris Morgan and Unusual Risks have recently been working with the Association of British Insurers and have helped them to produce a new HIV and Life Insurance Consumer Guide. Copies of the new Consumer Guide are now available by contacting them at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk
The guide includes information about Sexual Orientation and Insurance, Key Principles of HIV and Insurance, HIV Testing, Availability of Insurance products, Cancellation of Life Insurance following diagnosis and disclosure of HIV status on Life Insurance applications.
The aim of the guide is to improve awareness of HIV and Insurance within the community and to deliver clear and accurate information about the availability of Insurance. Unusual Risks hope this will encourage HIV positive people to protect their families and look after their financial future.
Our sponsors Unusual Risks are the UK’s leading financial advisers offering advice to clients living with HIV or Hepatitis on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, HIV Mortgages, Hepatitis C Life Assurance, Hepatitis C Life Insurance, Hepatitis C Mortgages.
They are also the UK’s leading experts at planning Life Assurance and Mortgages for HIV Positive Families and are able to assist HIV Positive people looking for advice on their Pensions and Investments.
For more information about these services please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk or visit us online at http://www.unusualrisks.co.uk/