Our sponsors Unusual Risks have recently launched their ‘HIV Life Assurance Survey 2012’
Here’s an extract from their full press release …
“Unusual Risks, the medical financial advisers are today announcing the results of their HIV Life Assurance survey 2012. After contacting all of the major Life Assurance providers in the UK, they can now report that 66.6%* of insurers servicing Independent brokers are now offering some form of HIV Life Assurance”.
“As a separate part of their survey Unusual Risks have also discovered that even though 40%* of bank assurers are now stating they offer HIV Life Assurance, the reality is that very few of their actual offers of insurance are being taken up. The main reason for this is that bank assurers do not offer any indication of terms prior to a client making an application”.
*See full press release below to read full survey results.
To read the full press release click here …
If you require more information on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance & HIV Mortgages or would like to subscribe to our sponsors “FREE NEWSLETTER”, you can contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services on 0845 474 3075, or email at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk or on the web at www.unusualrisks.co.uk