Monthly Archives: May 2012

National Press For HIV Life Assurance Campaign …

Money Marketing have recently given coverage to our sponsors HIV Life Assurance Awareness campaign. The article can be viewed at the the link below. If you require more information on HIV Life Assurance & HIV Mortgages you can contact Our Sponsors Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services on 0845 474 3075, or email at […]

Rest Assured – An Interview With

Chris Morgan, our editor has recently been interviewed by Gus Cairns at the leading publication HIV Treatment Update, which is published by The article is probably the most detailed and comprehensive ever independently written about HIV Life Assurance and contains lot’s of releveant information for both the  HIV+ and Gay  Communities. You can read the article by visiting the link […]

Only 20% Of HIV+ People Aware Of Life Assurance

PRESS RELEASE FROM OUR SPONSORS … Unusual Risks, the medical financial advisers are once again this week highlighting to the HIV community the opportunity they now have to take out Life Assurance, by asking the question Do you know HIV+ people can now buy Life Assurance? After conducting research Unusual Risks estimate that 80% of […]